103 Sum-Mor Dr.
West Columbia, South Carolina 29169
(803) 653-6656
Treatments for Personal Injury
We have a wide array of advanced treatments. Depending on your needs, the doctor may prescribe one or more of the following treatments:
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – Uses platelets from patients’ blood (own healing system) to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. This process releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body naturally produces. Low likelihood of adverse reactions.
Neuralprolotherapy (alternatively called nerve block injections) – Cutaneous or trigger point injections refers to how the injection will be administered. The medication (lidocaine and mannitol) is injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the skin (above the muscle but below top layer of skin) or into the muscle to bathe the nerves and to assist in breaking up muscle adhesion (scar tissue/"knot").
Trigger Point Injections – refers to how the injection will be administered. The medication (lidocaine and mannitol) is injected into a muscle to assist in breaking up muscle adhesion (scar tissue/”knot”) and providing the same therapeutic benefits as “Nerve Block Injections”.
Extracorporeal Sound Wave Therapy (EPAT) - uses acoustic shockwaves to break up soft tissue calcifications, enhance collagen synthesis, release growth factors, and stimulate your body’s healing process to improve pain and help you stay active.
Adjustments (manipulations of spine or joint) – A technique where chiropractor’s use their hands or a device to apply pressure to manipulate the joint to help improve function, range of motion, and help alignment and to relieve pain.
Therapeutic Ultrasounds – most commonly used to treat muscle tissue injuries, it consists of inaudible high-frequency mechanical vibration and heat, administered via a piezoelectric crystals in the ultrasound transducer. Ultrasound penetrates deeper tissue to help improve muscle lesions/adhesions (or what one may refer to as a “knot”) and inflammation.
Therapeutic Muscle Stimulation – A device that sends electrical impulses into the muscles and/or nerves to help repair tissue and improve pain. It has also been shown to improve function and assist in blood flow.
Mechanical Traction - is a therapeutic method used to relieve pain by stretching and separating the vertebrae to help to relieve direct nerve pressure and stress on the vertebral discs.
Manual Therapy – Physical, hands-on techniques done to help improve pain, range of motion, mobilize soft tissue and joints, reducing swelling and restriction. This technique is done by a qualified healthcare provider.
Therapeutic Stretching – Focuses on the lengthening of muscles to reduce and improve muscle tension. There are 3 types of stretches referred to as static, dynamic, and pre-contraction, with static stretching being the most common. These are often done passively (someone assisting) or actively (doing on your own). Patients are provided with their own stretch/exercise regimen that they can work on both in the office as well as at home.
Therapeutic Exercise – Movements applied to correct impairments, restore muscle/skeletal function and increase strength. Exercise can improve pain, mobility, and overall physical function.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) – equipment prescribed by a healthcare provider to help improve function, support or limit mobility, and assist in daily activities.