
Commonly Asked Questions

Is Chiropractic treatment safe?

Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest nondrug, noninvasive forms of health care available for the treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. The risks associated with chiropractic, however, are very small. Many patients feel immediate relief following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness, stiffness or aching, just as they do after some forms of exercise. Current research shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation typically fades within 24 hours.


Do insurance plans cover chiropractic?

Yes. Chiropractic care is included in most health insurance plans, including major medical plans, workers’ compensation, Medicare, some Medicaid plans, and Blue Cross Blue Shield plans for federal employees, among others. Chiropractic care is also available to active-duty members of the armed forces at more than 60 military bases and is available to veterans at more than 60 major veterans medical facilities.


How is a chiropractic adjustment preformed?

Chiropractic adjustment or manipulation is a manual procedure that utilizes the highly refined skills developed during the doctor of chiropractic’s intensive years of chiropractic education. The chiropractic physician typically uses his or her hands or an instrument to manipulate the joints of the body, particularly the spine, in order to restore or enhance joint function. This often helps resolve joint inflammation and reduces the patient’s pain. Chiropractic manipulation is a highly controlled procedure that rarely causes discomfort. The chiropractor adapts the procedure to meet the specific needs of each patient. Patients often note positive changes in their symptoms immediately following treatment.


Why is there a popping sound when a joint is adjusted?

Adjustment (or manipulation) of a joint may result in the release of a gas bubble between the joints, which makes a popping sound. The same thing occurs when you “crack” your knuckles. The noise is caused by the change of pressure within the joint, which results in gas bubbles being released. There is usually minimal, if any, discomfort involved.


What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractors believe the body's musculoskeletal structure must be aligned correctly to prevent health issues. Chiropractic care draws upon this belief, which is why chiropractors often focus on the condition of your spine. Each patient receives care tailored toward their unique symptoms. When you visit a chiropractor, services may include manual manipulation, spinal decompression, laser therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, or cryotherapy. Chiropractic treatments are non-surgical and non-invasive.

How do you get Subluxations?

There are three basic causes of vertebral subluxation. Physical stresses on the spine and nervous system may include slips and falls, motor vehicle accidents, repetitive motion, and improper sleeping. Chemical stress includes smoking, alcohol abuse, not drinking enough water, improper diet, or the overuse of drugs or medications. Finally, emotional stress is a major cause of subluxation due to its effect on the hormonal and muscular systems of the body. Regardless of the cause, these subluxations need to be detected and removed.


Why do chiropractors take X-rays?

In order to properly diagnose a patient's condition, x-rays are commonly taken. These x-rays are used to check vertebral alignment, disc degeneration, proper curvature, scoliosis, and other serious pathology. Many chiropractors use x-rays to document a patient's progress as well. With the advancement of high-speed film and limited exposure, the amount of radiation used is far outweighed by the useful information gained by seeing the patient's spine.


Monday – Thursday

  • 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • Closed: Fri, Sat, Sun


103 Sum-Mor Dr.

West Columbia, South Carolina 29169

120 Highland Center Dr. Suite 100
North East Columbia, SC 29203



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